IEEE Uruguay invita a la presentación de la Industry Applications Society (IAS)
FECHA: 3 de Septiembre 2018-08-29
HORA: 17:00 – 18:15
LUGAR: Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Salon M104 - Edificio Mullin Comandante Braga 2715, esq. Av.8 de Octubre.
La Industry Applications Society, como organización transnacional, está interesada en el avance de la teoría y la práctica de la ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica en el desarrollo, diseño, fabricación y aplicación de sistemas eléctricos, aparatos, dispositivos y controles para los procesos y equipos de la industria y comercio; promoción de instalaciones seguras, confiables y económicas; liderazgo de la industria en temas de conservación de energía y medioambiente, salud y seguridad; creación de estándares voluntarios de ingeniería y prácticas recomendadas; y el desarrollo profesional de su membresía
Dr.-Ing. Peter Magyar, IEEE Life Fellow
IAS Chapters and Membership Department (CMD) Chair
The presentation gives a short overview about the chapter and membership activities of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS). Membership statistics demonstrate the actual status and the membership and chapter development trends. The higher grade and student membership development as well as its regional characteristics will be introduced, especially the young member activity and the student chapter development.
The member promoted programs and services of the Society, as well as the awards, contests, travel programs, technical supporting services will be introduced in details.
Dr. Tomy Sebastian, President, IEEE IAS & Director of Motor Drive Systems at Halla Mechatronics, Michigan, USA
Automobile segment is going through significant technology changes for the last decade. The focus was in improving fuel economy and comfort. Conventional hydraulic based systems are being replaced with electromechanical systems the automobiles. Advances in Motors, motor control and power electronics helped to fuel this transformation. Next generation vehicles will see further development in the direction of advanced comfort and safety features. These days the Autonomous vehicle is “the talk of the day”. The main objective of these systems is to improve the comfort and safety of the passengers. The presentation will also discuss the impact of the developments in the motor drives on the automotive systems.